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AGM April 2019   

Please come along to our 2019 AGM and get involved with the Players.

The AGM is at 7:30pm on Wednesday 24th April 2019 in the Baptist Church Upper Room, Church Street, GL53 8AR followed by a social gathering.


  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM and Matters Arising
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Election of Officers
  6. CKCP Website
  7. LUBM and future development
  8. Future Plans
  9. Any Other Business
  10. Date of Next Meeting

Light refreshments will be provided at the end of the meeting

Please note that all are invited but only members, ie those who have participated actively in CKCP productions or activities in the past two years, can vote at the meeting.     

 We invite you to send any items of AOB or nominations for Committee positions in advance to (not by replying to this email).

 All very welcome!